Frequently asked questions
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Make your LSCU loan payment using another checking account, savings account, or debit card through our secure Online Payment Center. If you are making a payment from your LSCU account, please transfer your payment within digital banking.
Please note: Your payments may not exceed $1,500 per entry. If you would like to setup recurring payment from another financial institution, please give us a call at 214.327.9367.
Make a payment to your LSCU Credit Card by logging into digital banking or your Online Visa Account. Credit Card payments cannot be made in the Online Payment Center.
Important Messages:
- If you receive an error message stating “Accounts Unavailable” please log out and register again with a new user ID.
- Effective 07/01/2017, we are no longer able to accept Visa Credit Cards in the Online Payment Center. VISA has changed their Card Acceptance Guidelines to exclude VISA Credit Cards as a means of payment on a debt (loan). The changes to the guidelines only limit the use of VISA Credit Cards for debt repayments and does not impact the use of VISA Debit Cards for debt repayment.
Still have questions?
If you didn't find the answering your looking for, feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help you.
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Rates effective as of: March 11, 2025
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